Outdoor Women Winners

June Heather Hand June Heather HandWinners   Winners

My name is Heather Hand, I was born and raised in Lutz, Florida. I am now living in Nashville, GA, Southern Georgia with my husband Steve and son Dalton, our daughter still lives in Lutz.

Steve and I have been married for 17 years and when we started dating 19 years ago, one of his first comments he made to me was “I leave town every Friday and don’t come back until Sunday as I hunt all weekend”, and of course I was like “Um, that is interesting, never dated a hunter before,” well needless to say, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.

I was a single mom of a two year old, so I just couldn’t pack up and leave every weekend and thought to myself “this isn’t going to work” but as time went on, I thought to myself and heard the saying ‘if you can beat them join them” well I did.I went a few times with Steve before we got married and a couple of times afterwards, however, I got pregnant in 2002 and we had our son in 2003.

At that time, I knew that Steve and our son Dalton were going to be gone A LOT because of hunting, so again, I was bound and determined to join them. For a short while, I would stay at camp and just enjoyed being in the woods.

But when they would harvest an animal and I started to learn about the game and land management, I knew I wanted to be part of it. Steve and I started talking more and more, and I was learning more than I ever thought I would. So in 2006, I started sitting more in the stands, and in 2007 I shot my first doe, with Dalton in the stand with me in Perry, FLA.

I have been hunting ever since, I am normally an afternoon hunt person, not a morning person without my coffee, however, I do get up in the mornings and go, at times I love learning as much as I can and thankfully Steve is educated and very knowledgeable on deer management.

With the three of us now hunting on a regular basis, sitting by ourselves, working on our stands, food plots, filling feeders, I now know and love what Steve meant as one of his first comments to me. Hunting is not just about harvesting an animal, it is much more than that. Just sitting in the woods watching all the different animals as they wake in the morning and how they interact is

amazing. Hunting is a year round obsession and lifestyle.

Call us: (334) 738-5066

Enjoy the complete hunting experience. Hunt over 6,000 acres of private fields on our farmlands.